elle confirme que Duke et Ripcord sont les deux persos dans les accelerator suits
qu'on voit dans le trailer.
Sienna said her favorite scene, however, was decidedly low-tech,
depicting her evil Cobra assassin pulling hair with Joe agent
“Scarlett” O’Hara. “There’s a really, really good girl fight between
Rachel Nichols and myself,” she explained. “It’s like a proper, violent
girl-fight scene. And we both worked so hard for the choreography and
the training of it. … We both got hurt. I’m clumsy, so I slipped on a
rubber bullet at one point and sprained my wrist quite badly. She ran
into a flame and got burned.”
gros spoiler :
When asked about Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays a
soldier that
eventually becomes Cobra Commander, Miller said, "That character is
shrouded in mystery, so I think I have to be quite discreet with that.
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